In the very near future, a large part of our understanding and management of immunity may come from the study of Microbiome. The pace of research in the area of the human microbiome and its interaction with the environmental microbiome has picked up. And the current pandemic of novel coronavirus or COVID19 may well pave the way towards ensuring sustained immunity. Every living organism is bestowed with the same privilege to propagate and evolve into a stronger species. The antibiotics and anti-virals have at its best managed to control them but not annihilate them. We have seen it in the case of antibiotics - we have today what we call the fifth-generation antibiotics and the bacteria continue to adapt and evolve developing resistance every subsequent generation of antibiotics. In the case of viruses, we now have vaccine-resistant polio strain. For the moment the antibiotics and anti-virals are meanwhile fire-fighting measures we need to have around. Martin Veysey Programme Direct...
Individualized Health Care is emerging as the key to effective health care policies. The medicinal science of Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture are among the leading medicinal systems which have been providing individualized health care solution. New understanding into the science of genetics, nano-technology, molecular science and quantum physics has only helped in understanding and also validating the working of above listed medicinal system.