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Allopathy or Homeopathy As Your Primary Medical Care?

The modern day conventional medicine system often referred to as ‘Allopathy’ is the most widely practised system in the world. The system has come a long way from its primitive form of being largely experimental to now a regulated and researched backed science. Its role in saving lives is beyond doubt, especially in critical emergencies. Allopathy is an excellent support care system or as someone termed it as ‘sick care system’.  On its flip side, even today with all its advanced research it still controls hypertension, controls diabetes, controls pain...with ever increasing the dosage. 'Control' or 'Management' being the operative word. It is not a curative science.

Allopathy or mainstream medicines regularly help to counter, stall or slow down the disease process while the body tries and works out its own chemistry to regain it's original health. However, during the course of the treatment the organisms immunity is weakened and convalesce is often slow and exposed to  the  side-effects that cause systemic damage. 

All said and done, conventional medicine has helped prolong and save lives especially in critical emergencies.

Allopathy practitioners have realised the side effects of their drugs, as a result, they now also prescribe antacids, probiotics, multivitamins to minimise the ill-effects of the drugs.  Organisations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now caution practitioners and public against the indiscriminate use of drugs especially antibiotics, they run campaigns on drug resistance and antibiotic resistance. (Additional Reading: Role of Homeopathy in Antibiotic Resistance!
The weakening of the immune system with every onslaught of infection and the consequent battering with antibiotics and antivirals requires a re-look at what the primary medical or health care system one should adopt. 

From among the various holistic medical system available ‘Homeopathy’ is one such system which is based an ‘Individualized Health Care Practice’ that takes into account the symptoms of the mind, physiology and pathology to help  restore the health of a person to its original vitality without weakening the immune system.

Today, a homoeopath at least in India studies a curriculum that is very close to their counterpart from the conventional medicine and is spread over a period of 5 years. (Check Curriculum Below)

The video below explains the  aspect of individualised health restorative medicine system in homoeopathy - one of the many reasons to make it a system of the first choice.

Homeopathy is one of the system that is supported by The Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, to ensure the optimal development and propagation of AYUSH systems of health care. This initiative will help towards ensuring safe and affordable health care in the country.

*Curriculum for Homeopathy Degree in India.

Subjects for study and examination for the B.H.M.S. (Degree) Course shall be as under:-
1. Anatomy.
2. Physiology including Biochemistry.
3. Organon of Medicine, Principles of Homoeopathic Philosophy & Psychology.
4. Homoeopathic Pharmacy.
5. Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Therapeutics.
6. Pathology & Microbiology.
7. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.
8. Practice of Medicine.
9. Surgery.
10.Obstetrics and Gynecology.
11. Community Medicine.
12. Case Taking and Repertory.

*Source: CCH India


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