This Post invites homoeopaths to share knowledge and clinical experiences of remedies that showed opposite action of High and Low Potencies. A few such examples are shared here as starters... Here the case of digitalis is very interesting and should find great use in clinical situation: In typical Calcarea Carb children, it would cure diarrhea only in high (200, 1M) potencies but could cure constipation only in 6th potency (Source: Dr.Koppikar’s Clinical Experiences of 70 years in homoeopathy) Podophyllum high cured diarrhea and was a fine remedy for constipation with whitish (bileless) stools in 6th potency. (Source: Dr.Koppikar’s Clinical Experiences of 70 years in homoeopathy) With Iodium 200, 1000, I have added weight to lean and even emaciated boys and girls. And Iodium 2x, 3x are the best remedies to help reducing obesity – given 3-4 pills 3 times daily. Of course, these patients are given the usual indicated high potencies of their constitutiona...
Individualized Health Care is emerging as the key to effective health care policies. The medicinal science of Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture are among the leading medicinal systems which have been providing individualized health care solution. New understanding into the science of genetics, nano-technology, molecular science and quantum physics has only helped in understanding and also validating the working of above listed medicinal system.