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Showing posts from July, 2012

Humans - The Only Species With Unpredictable Diet

“ W ha te v er p e o p le e a t, hal f o f it f i lls t h eir s t om ac h an d hal f o f it fil l s t h e st o m a c h s o f t h e d o c t o rs. If t h ey e a t o nl y hal f o f wha t t h e y u s ua l l y e a t t h en t h ey w o u ld n o t b e sick a t a l l , an d t h ere w o u ld b e n o n eed o f d o c t o r s ”  We humans a re t he only s p ec i e s w h o s e di e t i s un p r e d i c t a bl e . T he di e t o f a ll oth e r a nim a ls is ce rt a in. T h e ir b a s ic ph y s i c a l n ee ds a nd th e i r n a t u re d ec id e s w h a t to ea t, w h e n to ea t a nd how mu c h to ea t. We have all seen common pets like dogs and cats refuse or become selective of the food when ill. They ask for no medicine, they just go into the backyard sniff and chew on certain plants or grass guided by the medicine-man within them.  The same doctor dwells within us too, but mod e rn l i ving h a s c r ea t e d a d i s c o n n e c t b e t wee...

Understanding Fever.......

Fever - A curse or a blessing! An informative article by Dr. Dorland Martins, a Homoeopath and a friend... The human body is brilliant, truly brilliant.We as humans have survived as long as we have because of the wisdom of the body. Sadly, there is a strong tendency to assume that symptoms are something wrong with the body and must be treated, or suppressed. In fact symptoms are a vital effort of the organism in response to stress or infection, and are the body’s best effort to defend and heal itself. The body creates fever, inflammation, pain, discharge etc in order to defend and heal it. Fever suppressants along with the overuse of medicines and exposure to multiple chemical contaminants in the environment, are at the root of the decline in children’s health and vitality, manifesting in the disablement of immune function, neurological function, and upsurge of chronic diseases today. Children in particular have been hit hard as they are the most vulnerable... click to r...

Cell - Energy - Cancer

This post is going to be very fascinating, discussing Cell, Energy & Cancer. According to the definition of electric cell is A device, such as a battery, that is capable of changing some form of energy, such as chemical energy or radiant energy, into electricity.  And that of electric battery   - a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series (underlined emphasis added). This definition has direct co-relation to the physiology of all living being. We are made up of cells, with each cell undergoing a physical and chemical process that produces energy.  A collective action of the cells can be equated to electric battery.( ) All life is energy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts — when healthy. When ill our cell energy is lowered (40-50 mill...

When Virus Attacks....

As soon as our body realizes that it is under a viral (influenza) attack it produces large amounts of mucous to trap the virus at the entry point (respiratory system). It then expresses irritation in the form of cough and sneezing, an attempt to expel the virus. Fever is a hyperactive state of functioning ( Inflammation ). The body raises the temperature because at raised temperatures our metabolic activity is faster. High temperatures also curbs the activity of the virus as it requires lowered temperatures to breed. We feel more sleepy and weak because our body does not want to waste precious energy in physical activity. If there is  loss of appetite, it’s in the  nature of  body  to tell us to go slow on what we eat…the process of digestion takes up a lot of energy and this our body wishes to conserve so that it can concentrate on fighting the invasion. In most acute viral infections adequate rest, fasting or light easily digested food and drinking plenty of luk...

Understanding Immune (Defense) Response

Our ‘being’ (I say being because it’s not just the body…) is equipped with the most intelligent, sensitive and efficient defense response mechanism.  It’s a three tier security ring, each tier equipped with its unique early warning system. We need to sensitize ourselves to recognize the warnings and take required timely measures.  Most of the grave illnesses are a result of constant ignoring of the signs and symptoms that starts as a trivial, minor complaint, leading to a groan and then ending with a yell and that is when we listen.   The following two analogies will help explain our defense response A person seated next to you pokes your arm with a pointed object, your first  defence  will be that of irritation where you will wince and warn him, repeated irritation will lead to inflammation (perhaps cold stare or a scornful look or an angry red faced retort). If this intrusion still persists then you are likely to change gear to the ...