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Showing posts from January, 2020

Your Immune System A Time-Tested Vaccine Against Coronavirus

The human race has outlived many epidemics and pandemics. From antiquated cholera to the more recent celebrity kinds like the ebola, SARS-CoV, H1N1, Zika, Nipah and now the latest New Coronavirus which first surfaced in Wuhan, China. And there are so many more viruses yet to be discovered. Life's DNA is programmed to procreate, to function and to evolve. The primary objective is to ensure the survival of its species. This is true for all, be it humans, animals, plants, bacteria and viruses. It is this very reason why bacteria and virus not only survived billions of years but also managed to outsmart human devised weapons like vaccines, antibiotics and anti-virals. These pathogens mutate and change their genetic code even as we are busy creating the next-generation drug to get better of them. They use their innate intelligence to move from one host to another and in the process employ an adaptive immunity to survive and evolve in our body. Have you ever wo...