(This is a reproduction of my article published in print media during the Lancet onslaught a few years back. Still relevant because -Absence of evidence is not Evidence of absence) The renewed and more vigorous attack on the efficacy of homeopathy as a curative therapy picked up by the media is nothing but a sinister pogrom by the powerful pharmaceutical corporations the world over. If one reads between the lines of events leading to this tirade you will find the genesis in a report (reported in the Guardian online) where The Prince of Wales has ordered a leading independent economist to examine whether the use of complementary therapies could save the NHS money. A leaked draft of the report’s conclusions said ’’economy-wide’’ savings of between £500m and £3.5bn could be achieved by offering spinal manipulation therapies, such as chiropractic therapy, as a standard NHS option for back pain, according to the Times. The report also claims up to £480m could be cut from the prescr...
Individualized Health Care is emerging as the key to effective health care policies. The medicinal science of Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture are among the leading medicinal systems which have been providing individualized health care solution. New understanding into the science of genetics, nano-technology, molecular science and quantum physics has only helped in understanding and also validating the working of above listed medicinal system.