Homeopathic teething products are being investigated in the deaths of 10 babies Homeopathic teething products are being investigated in the deaths of 10 babies Thus screams a headline in a piece written on Science Alert a web news portal. This appears to be another smear campaign to malign homoeopathy a science that has not withstood such relentless battering to malign it but has only grown stronger with time and this is scary for some of the mainstream pharmaceutical lobby who thrives on making the sick sicker. On one hand, they say there is no scientific evidence that homoeopathy works and then, now they claim that it worked adversely?! The sceptics also demand proof of presence of original substance in the ultra-diluted (potentised - in homoeopathy terminology) - so if according to them the original substance is not there then how come it has acted for better or for worse!!! The report in question has also not revealed the composition and the potency of...
Individualized Health Care is emerging as the key to effective health care policies. The medicinal science of Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture are among the leading medicinal systems which have been providing individualized health care solution. New understanding into the science of genetics, nano-technology, molecular science and quantum physics has only helped in understanding and also validating the working of above listed medicinal system.