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Showing posts from August, 2012

“You are Crazy” ; “It’s figment of your imagination”

“You are crazy”; ‘Its figment of your imagination”, have you been told something like this by a doctor, even by family and friends when you tried explaining a strange or queer symptom you have been experiencing and you were at your wits end because nobody understood you!  Don’t despair, you are not alone. I had case of a colleague (not into homoeopathy) who had consulted me few years ago for severe acidity.  Before the onset of the acidity attack he said “I can hear a sound, a crackling sound in the head, as if the corner edge of a paper being flipped”.  I responded by saying WOW!!! This is a fantastic revelation; this symptom may help me zero-in the right remedy for you.  My reaction surprised my colleague and he remarked “Ah! Really!?, At last I know I am not insane” he continued “I have told this symptom to all the doctors I consulted so far and all they had said to say was that it is a figment of my imagination, and one of them even suggeste...

Sleep - Has Harmed Human Civilization The Most

T he thin g s t h a t h a s h a rm e d t he hum a n c ivili za tion t he m o s t i s s l ee p. T he d i s c ov e ry o f a rt i f i c i a l li g ht h a s only a dd e d to t he w o e s by di s turb i ng the b i ol o g i ca l c lo c k of hum a n b e in g . (In cities, even the rooster has forgotten to crow at the crack of dawn). G a d ge ts a nd a ppli ca tio n s li k e c o m put e r, m o bile a nd int e rn e t h a s m a de s l ee p a n int e r f e r e n c e r a th e r th a n a n ece s s it y . T o m a i n t a in g ood h ea l t h our body r e quir e s p e r f o r ming t he f ollo w ing f un c ti o n s : c l ea nin g , m a int a ining a nd r e p a irin g .  S l ee p pl ay s a v e ry vit a l role in the f un c tion o f r e p a ir i n g . A b a by in the w omb virtually s l ee p s t hrou g ho u t the 1 0 l u n a r m o n ths ( 28 0 d ay s ) o f ge s t a t i on. T he b a b y ’s w hole body i s be ing c r ea t e d during th i s ...

Right Labor ≅ Right Exercise ≅ Right Vocation ≅ Right Health

"I have no more than twenty acres of ground," he replied, "the whole of which I cultivate myself with the help of my children; and our labor keeps off from us the three great evils - boredom, vice, and want."  ~ Voltaire Life and labour are synonymous. But we are trading our wealth for labour. People who do not do physical labour are considered privileged and those who have no option but engage in physical labour are considered unlucky. What we need to be aware of is that too much labour kills and that too little labour also kills. Each person should find according to his constitution how much labour and what kind of labour is best suited for his temperament. We need to choose the right labour –for our body, mind and soul... The health of our cells depends not just on the nutrition we get from our diet, the stimulation it gets from various form of exercise but also from the intellectual and spiritual nourishment it gets as part of   the process of its...