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Showing posts from 2012

When morning spoils the day - Hyperemesis Gravidarum

When morning spoils the day | Life | Times Crest K ate Middleton was recently hospitalized for a condition called  hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) or severe pregnancy-related morning sickness.  Nausea during pregnancy can be miserable. At at time when many changes are occurring  the condition  is believed to be caused by higher-than normal levels of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG.   ,  Some women only feel ill or queasy in the morning, but for some it lasts all day and is even troublesome at night. Discomfort usually eases off by the third or fourth month, but not always. In the 1960's a drug  Thalidomide helped many women find comfort from the condition only to encounter disaster when they delivered. The drug  had disastrous side effects. Babies were born with shortened limbs, blindness, deafness, heart problems and brain damage...over 10,000 of them.  This prompted physicians to be more judicio...


My town Vasco-da-Gama is being ravaged by coal dust. The Indian port town of Goa  is a major ore and coal handling hub. The laid back citizenry is in a grip of respiratory disorders which is now trending towards an endemic proportion and this has led to frantic efforts by its people to right every wrong.  A wrong, in which the culpability of the government and its statutory bodies responsible to monitor and ensure compliance is beyond doubt. This post  hopes to educate and spread awareness on the fate that stares at the people of this town especially the children.  Some of the text reproduced here is taken from a study paper in Australia titled ‘THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF BREATHING THE AIR NEAR COAL MINES’. Every occupation bears the risk of some disorder of the other which is commonly termed as occupational hazard.  Those who work in salt pans have their share of disorder, and so do those working in iron, lead, and even gold mines.  The coal mine work...

Homoeopathic Posology through the eyes of Dr. S.P. Koppikar

This post brings out two important segments on the –one potency selection and the other repetition. The summary is based entirely on Dr Koppikar’s book “Clinical Experience of 70 Years in Homoeopathy”. What he says is not mere theorizing but comes as a result of ‘diligent’ experience; an experience of 70 years is definitely taking serious note of… It would have been easier to scan and upload the pages but then it would be unjust to the labour of the author.  The bold markings are my emphasis.  Brackets and italics are my words. 1.      In the chapter ‘How I learnt About Doses’ a.      He talks about Anaphylaxis or Allergic Shock as a result of a single dose (unchanged) repeated on the 10th day. When his own case met with disaster he then avoided repeating the dose early. b.     He then refers to Dr. Margaret Tyler who used to give 1M potency daily for 4 days and stop, with good effect. ...

Without illness nobody will be healthy!

Without illness nobody will be healthy!     How many of us have experienced this truth?  The statement appears rather dialectic and requires some reflection.  The above proposition excludes the chronic exacerbation (aggravation) and is more concerned with the acute type of illnesses – the viral or flu variety that induces a brief period of malaise. This is possibly nature’s way of gifting you some time take a break, to reflect and commune with self within – and then soar back rejuvenated. ‘Common Cold’ is the simplest of the ailment to afflict us, yet it causes us the most discomfort, it makes us feel miserable to the point that we take medicines disproportionate to the malady.  I recollect reading a naturopathy text that suggested that it is healthy to suffer from the common cold at least twice a year.  Someone once told me that his homoeopath in South Africa told him that he is unlikely to suffer a heart attack since he suffers from ‘cold’ no...

“You are Crazy” ; “It’s figment of your imagination”

“You are crazy”; ‘Its figment of your imagination”, have you been told something like this by a doctor, even by family and friends when you tried explaining a strange or queer symptom you have been experiencing and you were at your wits end because nobody understood you!  Don’t despair, you are not alone. I had case of a colleague (not into homoeopathy) who had consulted me few years ago for severe acidity.  Before the onset of the acidity attack he said “I can hear a sound, a crackling sound in the head, as if the corner edge of a paper being flipped”.  I responded by saying WOW!!! This is a fantastic revelation; this symptom may help me zero-in the right remedy for you.  My reaction surprised my colleague and he remarked “Ah! Really!?, At last I know I am not insane” he continued “I have told this symptom to all the doctors I consulted so far and all they had said to say was that it is a figment of my imagination, and one of them even suggeste...

Sleep - Has Harmed Human Civilization The Most

T he thin g s t h a t h a s h a rm e d t he hum a n c ivili za tion t he m o s t i s s l ee p. T he d i s c ov e ry o f a rt i f i c i a l li g ht h a s only a dd e d to t he w o e s by di s turb i ng the b i ol o g i ca l c lo c k of hum a n b e in g . (In cities, even the rooster has forgotten to crow at the crack of dawn). G a d ge ts a nd a ppli ca tio n s li k e c o m put e r, m o bile a nd int e rn e t h a s m a de s l ee p a n int e r f e r e n c e r a th e r th a n a n ece s s it y . T o m a i n t a in g ood h ea l t h our body r e quir e s p e r f o r ming t he f ollo w ing f un c ti o n s : c l ea nin g , m a int a ining a nd r e p a irin g .  S l ee p pl ay s a v e ry vit a l role in the f un c tion o f r e p a ir i n g . A b a by in the w omb virtually s l ee p s t hrou g ho u t the 1 0 l u n a r m o n ths ( 28 0 d ay s ) o f ge s t a t i on. T he b a b y ’s w hole body i s be ing c r ea t e d during th i s ...